Changi Airport
Changi Airport
By Mohamad Adie Zulkarnain Bin Mohamad Salehin, AWWA @ Napiri
Presented with several picture options, Adie selected Changi Airport. His aspiration is to visit Changi Airport with his family someday. Thus utilizing a projector, he carefully traced the outline and proceeded to color his artwork. Adie's fondness for blue is evident in his choice of colors for the piece.
Adie, a 13-year-old student at AWWA school, enjoys doing Art at his free time. He has passion and interest for Art. Often, he would self explore the different techniques and methods through videos. Most of Adie's artwork shows his innermost thoughts and emotions. AWWA School provides special education to children with multiple disabilities and autism, aged 7 to 18, to maximise the potential for independence and improve their quality of life.
Medium: Color Pencils and Markers
Dimensions (WxH): 29.5cm x 42cm